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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Desert; a place to live when you get old

Just thought I would try out this email to the blog feature. Hello to all you new readers out there, you know who you are. Enjoy this picture of the desert, a place I'd like to live when I get older. 


Jayne said...

Today someone referred to a place and said, "There's nothing there but desert." Whenever I hear that, I wonder why the desert is construed as a place of nothingness, as a void. Or maybe it's not that definition that troubles me. In fact, I kinda like the emptiness and consider it a major factor in the beauty of the desert. Maybe it's the seeming disdain that surprises me. Yeah, there's not much out there. You have to look closer. But at the same time, it's a stark, daring wilderness that is full of life waiting to burst forth.

Milly said...

Yes its true, only some people are suited for the desert. It sort of selects its people. I like my desert people.